Tracy ‘Braves the Shave’

Does the prospect of losing your hair, bit by bit, make your hair stand on end?  If it does then spare a thought for our Payroll Administrator, Tracy Molloy, who had her whole head shaved for charity.

On 1st October thirty three years ago, Tracy’s mum passed away. That’s a long time ago, over three decades. But as anyone who has lost a parent prematurely will tell you, the sense of loss never leaves – and why should it?

When the opportunity came along to do something unique to honour her mum, Tracy didn’t give it a second’s thought and agreed to have her lovely locks shaved off in an attempt to reach her target of £1,000 as part of the MacMillan Cancer Support fundraising challenge called Brave the Shave.

Tracy’s hairdressing friend agreed to perform the hair execution and closed her salon for the morning as Tracy and her family gathered to witness the Grand Shaving of the Head.

Not surprisingly, Tracy didn’t’ want to see what was happening to her gorgeous tresses as they fell to the floor, so the hairdresser turned the chair away from the mirror, divided Tracy’s hair into six long plaits and the cutting began.

And her first reaction when the chair was turned round Tracy saw what had happened to her crowning glory? “Oh my God, I look like my brother.”

But the story doesn’t end there. Tracy has donated her hair to the Little Princesses Trust which uses real hair to make hair pieces for children enduring the pain and discomfort of cancer therapy.

And as for the £1,000 target Tracy set herself, well at the time of writing, Tracy’s total stands at, £2,800. So come on, just a few more donations and we can push the total to £3,000 – or more!

Well done Tracey.

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