The devastating impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the effect of war on its citizens is unimaginable. At a time of crisis, however, it’s heartening to see so many nations coming forward to provide aid and support.

Staff at AJN Steelstock have been raising money to source and supply essential items that are being transported to Ukrainian citizens and we will continue to provide support where we can.

Sadly, the impact to the European and UK steel industry, as a result of the dreadful events taking place, will inevitably be price increases across all products we stock and sell.

The consequences of energy supplies being disrupted, the availability of slabs and billets, and the disruption to freight and distribution channels, means that many of the mills are now ‘off-market’. As a result, they are now declining any new business until they have a clearer idea of how all these factors will affect their selling price.

Although we cannot provide any definitive answers at the moment, we will do our best to keep you updated as more information becomes available over the coming days and weeks.

In the meantime, please do ask your sales contact, manager or representative – who will be best informed to help you – for the latest information that you can pass on to your customers and clients.

The Directors

AJN Steelstock Ltd

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