Jess smashes fundraising target

AJN Steelstock’s Junior Sales Executive, Jessica Pilo-Beech, has smashed her fundraising target having tamed the North Sea by completing a 120km row up the East Anglian Coast.

Jess, who set herself a target of raising £3,000 for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust, spent 31 hours out at sea in a nine meter ocean going rowing boat. In a true test of courage and determination, Jess (21), overcame fatigue, sleep deprivation, blisters, bashed shins, huge waves and colossal ships to reach dry land to the news that over £5,000 had been donated to the charity.

The challenge was organised by the AJN sponsored ‘Ocean Reunion’ team who intend to set a new world record when they take on a gruelling 3,000 mile epic journey across the Atlantic Ocean in December this year.

“I’m delighted and feel incredibly proud to have played a part in raising much needed funds for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust and am overwhelmed with the support and generosity that everyone has shown”, said Jess.

“Physically and mentally it was very tough and at night it was both scary and exhausting. We rowed non-stop in two hour shifts and it was tough on morale when you’d just get your head down for some sleep and there’d be a bang on the cabin door for your ten minute warning before the next shift.”

So is Jess considering joining the team for the main event in December? “I will most certainly not be doing this again. I completely admire the Ocean Reunion team for what they are going to be going through buy my legs definitely belong on dry land.”

The Cystic Fibrosis Trust is the only UK-wide charity making a daily difference to the lives of people with Cystic Fibrosis and those who care for them. Cystic Fibrosis is a life-shortening inherited disease affecting over 10,000 people in the UK. The charity’s Patient Registry and Research Programme helps with the development of treatments that will limit the impact of Cystic Fibrosis, and will, one day, find a treatment to beat it for good.

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